Beginning Writing Skills
    The most natural and common way children begin forming letters while holding a pencil is from the bottom of the line, up to the top of the line.

     As adults we know that is incorrect.  Please help your child remember to start at the top of the line and come down to the bottom when forming letters.  It is much easier for the children to learn this correctly from the beginning, than to become comfortable writing and then needing to change. 


Here is a song we sing in class to help:

To the tune of:  "If You're Happy and You Know It"

 If you want to write a letter, start at the top.  (Clap, clap)

 If you want to write a letter, start at the top.  (Clap, clap)

 If you want to write a letter, then you better, better, better,

 If you want to write a letter, start at the top.  (Clap, clap)


 Click below to learn more about our Writing Program,
called Handwriting Without Tears.